In my last post, I showed how to read a fixed width file into R. In this post, I'll refactor that code into a function that takes year/grade as a parameter.

First, read in the layout data frame. This contains the column headers for NJASK fixed with files.

load(file = 'datasets/njask_layout.rda')
#also read in the old NJASK layouts
load(file = 'datasets/njask05_layout.rda')
load(file = 'datasets/njask04_layout.rda')
load(file = 'datasets/njask07gr3_layout.rda')
load(file = 'datasets/njask06gr3_layout.rda')
load(file = 'datasets/njask06gr5_layout.rda')

##   field_start_position field_end_position field_length data_type
## 1                    1                  9            9      Text
## 2                    1                  2            2      Text
## 3                    3                  6            4      Text
## 4                    7                  9            3      Text
## 5                   10                 59           50      Text
## 6                   60                109           50      Text
##                        description
## 1                         CDS Code
## 2 County Code/DFG/Aggregation Code
## 3                    District Code
## 4                      School Code
## 5                      County Name
## 6                    District Name
##                                                                                                                                                                                                                               comments
## 1                                                                                                                                                 For district and school records the first three fields combine to form the CDS code.
## 2 For district and school records this field contains a two-digit county code.  For DFG records, this field contains the DFG code.  For Statewide, Special Needs and Non-Special Needs records, it contains a two-letter abbreviation.
## 3                                                                                                                                                                                     Applicable only for district and school records.
## 4                                                                                                                                                                                     Applicable only for district and school records.
## 5                                                                                                                                                                                     Applicable only for district and school records.
## 6                                                                                                                                                                                     Applicable only for district and school records.
##                                                                                                                                                                                               valid_values
## 1                                                                                                                                                                                                     <NA>
## 2 County Code = 01, 03, 05, 07, 09, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 80\nDFG = A, B, CD, DE, FG, GH, I, J, R, V\nST = Statewide, NS = Non-Special Needs, SN = Special Needs
## 3                                                                                                                                                                                      0100 to 9999, blank
## 4                                                                                                                                                                                        001 to 999, blank
## 5                                                                                                                                                                                            A to Z, blank
## 6                                                                                                                                                                                            A to Z, blank
##   spanner1 spanner2                       final_name
## 1                                           CDS_Code
## 2                   County_Code/DFG/Aggregation_Code
## 3                                      District_Code
## 4                                        School_Code
## 5                                        County_Name
## 6                                      District_Name

Our final call to read_fwf in the last post looked like this:

sample_file = ""

njask14_gr8 <- readr::read_fwf(
  file = sample_file,
  col_positions = readr::fwf_positions(
    start = layout_njask$field_start_position,
    end = layout_njask$field_end_position,
    col_names = layout_njask$final_name
  na = "*"
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   .default = col_character(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Number_Not_Present = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Enrolled_Math = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Not_Present = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_MATHEMATICS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_SCIENCE_Number_Enrolled_Science = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_SCIENCE_Number_Not_Present = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_SCIENCE_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Number_Not_Present = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Enrolled_Math = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Not_Present = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Number_Enrolled_Science = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Number_Not_Present = col_integer()
##   # ... with 240 more columns
## )
## See spec(...) for full column specifications.
## Warning: 2578 parsing failures.
## row                                                            col    expected      actual
##   1 SPECIAL_EDUCATION_WITH_ACCOMMODATIONS_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean 4 chars     0          
##   1 NA                                                             551 columns 549 columns
##   2 SPECIAL_EDUCATION_WITH_ACCOMMODATIONS_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean 4 chars     0          
##   2 NA                                                             551 columns 549 columns
##   3 SPECIAL_EDUCATION_WITH_ACCOMMODATIONS_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean 4 chars     2          
## ... .............................................................. ........... ...........
## See problems(...) for more details.

A script that has a bunch of copy/paste versions of that call would probably get the job done, but we're writing for our future selves here, and those url paths are easy to build. The function should:

1) build the target url

2) use hadley's readr to fetch the fixed with file, using the provided field definitions.

get_raw_njask <- function(year, grade, layout=layout_njask) {

  #url paths changed after the 2012 assessment
  years <- list(
    "2014"="14", "2013"="13", "2012"="2013", "2011"="2012", "2010"="2011", "2009"="2010", 
    "2008"="2009", "2007"="2008", "2006"="2007", "2005"="2006", "2004"="2005"
  parsed_year <- years[[as.character(year)]]

  #2008 follows a totally unique pattern
  grade_str <- if (year==2008 & grade >=5) {
    paste0('58/g', grade)
  } else if (year %in% c(2006, 2007) & grade %in% c(5, 6, 7)) {
  } else {

  #filenames are also inconsistent 
  filename <- list(
    "2014"="state_summary.txt", "2013"="state_summary.txt", "2012"="state_summary.txt",
    "2011"="state_summary.txt", "2010"="state_summary.txt", "2009"="state_summary.txt",
    "2008"="state_summary.txt", "2007"=if(grade >= 5) {
        paste0('G', grade, 'state_summary.txt')
      } else {
      "2006"=if(grade >= 5) {
        paste0('G', grade, 'state_summary.txt')
      } else {
      "2005"= if(grade==3) {
      } else if (grade==4) {
    "2004"=paste0("njask", grade, "04state_summary.txt")   
  parsed_filename <- filename[[as.character(year)]]

  #build url
  target_url <- paste0(
    "", parsed_year, 
    "/njask", grade_str, "/", parsed_filename

  df <- readr::read_fwf(
    file = target_url,
    col_positions = readr::fwf_positions(
      start = layout$field_start_position,
      end = layout$field_end_position,
      col_names = layout$final_name
    na = "*"

  #return df


Let's give it a try!


ex <- get_raw_njask(2014, 6)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   .default = col_character(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Enrolled_Math = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_SCIENCE_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Number_Not_Present = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Enrolled_Math = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Not_Present = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Enrolled_Math = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   LIMITED_ENGLISH_PROFICIENT_current_and_former_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer()
##   # ... with 147 more columns
## )
## See spec(...) for full column specifications.
## Warning: 3010 parsing failures.
## row                                                            col    expected      actual
##   1 SPECIAL_EDUCATION_WITH_ACCOMMODATIONS_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean 4 chars     0          
##   1 NA                                                             551 columns 549 columns
##   2 SPECIAL_EDUCATION_WITH_ACCOMMODATIONS_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean 4 chars     0          
##   2 NA                                                             551 columns 549 columns
##   3 SPECIAL_EDUCATION_WITH_ACCOMMODATIONS_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean 4 chars     2          
## ... .............................................................. ........... ...........
## See problems(...) for more details.
dplyr::sample_n(ex[, sample(c(1:551), 10)], 10) %>%
## 1                                                                          0146
## 2                                                                          0146
## 3                                                                          0146
## 4                                                                          0146
## 5                                                                          0146
## 6                                                                          0146
## 7                                                                          0146
## 8                                                                          0146
## 9                                                                          0146
## 10                                                                         0146
##    MIGRANT_SCIENCE_Number_Not_Present
## 1                                    
## 2                                    
## 3                                    
## 4                                    
## 5                                    
## 6                                    
## 7                                    
## 8                                    
## 9                                    
## 10                                   
##    BLACK_SCIENCE_Number_Enrolled_Science
## 1                                       
## 2                                       
## 3                                       
## 4                                       
## 5                                       
## 6                                       
## 7                                       
## 8                                       
## 9                                       
## 10                                      
## 1                                                       
## 2                                                       
## 3                                                       
## 4                                                       
## 5                                                       
## 6                                                       
## 7                                                       
## 8                                                       
## 9                                                       
## 10                                                      
##    MIGRANT_MATHEMATICS_Proficient_Percentage
## 1                                           
## 2                                           
## 3                                           
## 4                                           
## 5                                           
## 6                                           
## 7                                           
## 8                                           
## 9                                           
## 10                                          
## 1                                                               
## 2                                                               
## 3                                                               
## 4                                                           <NA>
## 5                                                               
## 6                                                               
## 7                                                           <NA>
## 8                                                           <NA>
## 9                                                           <NA>
## 10                                                              
## 1                                                                               
## 2                                                                               
## 3                                                                               
## 4                                                                               
## 5                                                                               
## 6                                                                               
## 7                                                                               
## 8                                                                               
## 9                                                                               
## 10                                                                              
## 1                                                                          *   *
## 2                                                                          *   *
## 3                                                                          *   *
## 4                                                                          *   *
## 5                                                                               
## 6                                                                               
## 7                                                                               
## 8                                                                          *   *
## 9                                                                          *   *
## 10                                                                              
## 1                                <NA>
## 2                               13 15
## 3                               31 32
## 4                              141  7
## 5                               31  9
## 6                                <NA>
## 7                                <NA>
## 8                               58 32
## 9                              264  7
## 10                             155  9
## 1                                                                                   
## 2                                                                                   
## 3                                                                                   
## 4                                                                                   
## 5                                                                                   
## 6                                                                                   
## 7                                                                                   
## 8                                                                                   
## 9                                                                                   
## 10

Great - we can definitely pull down all the data files we need. Now let's make sure that we are doing the necessary cleanup. In particular, there are 228 columns in our layout file that have the comment 'One implied decimal.' That really matters - it means that 255 actually means 25.5.

For each of those columns, we want to apply a function to each column. Hadley's dplyr has a nice utility for doing this - mutate_each.

We'll also need to make sure that we only mutate the columns that are tagged with 'One implied decimal.'


process_njask <- function(df, mask=layout_njask$comments) {
  #keep the names to put back in the same order
  all_names <- names(df)

  #replace any line breaks in last column
  df$Grade <- gsub('\n', '', df$Grade, fixed = TRUE)

  mask_boolean <- mask == 'One implied decimal'
  #put some columns aside
  ignore <- df[, !mask_boolean]

  #process the columns that have an implied decimal
  processed <- df[, mask_boolean] %>%
      dplyr::funs(implied_decimal = . / 10)  

  #put back together 
  final <- cbind(ignore, processed)

  #reorder and return
  final %>%

ex_process <- process_njask(ex)
## Error: NA column indexes not supported
head(ex_process[, 1:15])
## Error in head(ex_process[, 1:15]): object 'ex_process' not found

Now we put it all together, with a little wrapper function around the get_raw_njask and process_njask functions:

fetch_njask <- function(year, grade) {
  if (year == 2004) {
    df <- get_raw_njask(year, grade, layout=layout_njask04)  %>% 
  else if (year == 2005) {
    df <- get_raw_njask(year, grade, layout=layout_njask05)  %>% 
  } else if (year %in% c(2007, 2008) & grade %in% c(3, 4)) {
    df <- get_raw_njask(year, grade, layout=layout_njask07gr3)  %>% 
  else if (year == 2006 & grade %in% c(3, 4)) {
    df <- get_raw_njask(year, grade, layout=layout_njask06gr3)  %>% 
  } else if (year == 2006 & grade >= 5) {
    df <- get_raw_njask(year, grade, layout=layout_njask06gr5)  
    #inexplicably 2006 data has no Grade column
    df$Grade <- grade
    df <- df %>% process_njask(mask=layout_njask06gr5$comments)    
  else {
    df <- get_raw_njask(year, grade) %>% process_njask()    


fetch_njask(2014, 6) %>% head() %>% select(CDS_Code:TOTAL_POPULATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Scale_Score_Mean)
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   .default = col_character(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Enrolled_Math = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_SCIENCE_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   TOTAL_POPULATION_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Number_Not_Present = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Enrolled_Math = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Not_Present = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   GENERAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_LANGUAGE_ARTS_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_MATHEMATICS_Number_Enrolled_Math = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Advanced_Proficient_Percentage = col_integer(),
##   SPECIAL_EDUCATION_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean = col_integer(),
##   LIMITED_ENGLISH_PROFICIENT_current_and_former_Number_Enrolled_ELA = col_integer()
##   # ... with 147 more columns
## )
## See spec(...) for full column specifications.
## Warning: 3010 parsing failures.
## row                                                            col    expected      actual
##   1 SPECIAL_EDUCATION_WITH_ACCOMMODATIONS_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean 4 chars     0          
##   1 NA                                                             551 columns 549 columns
##   2 SPECIAL_EDUCATION_WITH_ACCOMMODATIONS_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean 4 chars     0          
##   2 NA                                                             551 columns 549 columns
##   3 SPECIAL_EDUCATION_WITH_ACCOMMODATIONS_SCIENCE_Scale_Score_Mean 4 chars     2          
## ... .............................................................. ........... ...........
## See problems(...) for more details.
## Error: NA column indexes not supported

There's a more data out there than just the grade 3 NJASK, though. In mynext post, we'll tackle the HSPA, and dive into some older data - the 'Grade Eight Proficiency Assessment' (GEPA) that used to be offered to students at the end of middle school, with the ultimate goal of stitching everything together into a simplified R interface for NJ assessment data.